Courses Coordinators

A’ Semester


BMS_1.1.1 Research methodology in Biomedical Sciences I                                       
I. Zarkadis
V. Stamatopoulou
BMS_1.2.1 Special topics in biomedical researchK. Stathopoulos,
V. Tzounakas
BMS_1.3.1 Application of biostatistics- BioinformaticsG.Sakellaropoulos
BMS_1.4.1 Research ethics-BioethicsI Zarkadis,
S. Taraviras
BMS_1.5.1 Current topics in cellular- molecular biologyZ.Lygerou,
V. Roukos

B’ Semester

BMS_2.1.1 Research methodology in biomedical sciences IIV. Bravou
Coordinator Section I: D.Papachristou
Coordinator Section II: S.Taraviras  
Coordinator Section III: K.Vantarakis
 Coordinator Section IV: G.Kagkadis
Coordinator section V: V.Bravou
BMS_2.2.1 Current topics in biological research- Research seminarsS. Taraviras,
A. Mouzaki
BMS_2.3.1 Research related skillsZ. Lygerou
BMS_2.4.1 Laboratory trainingS. Taraviras
Selection (the students have to select one of the following courses) 
BMS_2.5.1 Neuroscience IK. Papatheodoropoulos
BMS_2.5.2 Molecular basis of transcription and translationK. Stathopoulos,
K. Nika
BMS_2.5.3 Human pathobiologyK. Gyftopoulos

C’ Semester


BMS_3.2.1 Master thesis

During the C’Semester the students have to select one of the following courses
BMS_3.1.1 Medical Biochemistry and immunologyV. Tzounakas
K. Nika
BMS_3.1.2 Medical molecular geneticsZ. Lygerou,
V. Roukos
BMS_3.1.3 Neuroscience IIS. Taraviras,
BMS_3.1.4 Molecular anatomy-clinical molecular histopathologyV. Bravou
BMS_3.1.6 Stem cells and regenerative medicineS. Taraviras

D’ Semester


BMS_4.1.1 Master Thesis
BMS_4.2.1 SeminarsS. Sygelos