Instructions for MSc Completion and Graduation

MSc Award and Grade

(Conditions and Procedure for the award of the MSc, Calculation of the MSc grade, Issues of the MSc awarding ritual, etc.)

Conditions for the award of the MSc

The postgraduate student completes his/her studies and receives the diploma of postgraduate studies when he/she fulfils all the obligations provided for by the Programme and the Internal Regulations for Postgraduate Studies of the University of Patras. In particular:

  1. successfully complete the prescribed courses with a promotional grade,
  2. be successfully evaluated during the public presentation of the master diploma thesis,
  3. fulfil all his/her financial and other obligations.

If these requirements are not met within the maximum duration of studies, the postgraduate student is removed from the MSc following an act of removal which is issued after a decision of the Assembly and is communicated to the person concerned by the MSc Secretariat. In this case, the student is entitled only to a simple certificate of successful attendance of the courses in which he/she received a promotional grade.

Calculation of MSc grade

The final grade of the MSc is derived from the grade of the postgraduate courses and the grade of the master thesis, according to the decision of the Departmental Assembly or the Board of Directors, as follows:

The final grade of each course is the product of the performance grade multiplied by the weighting factor determined by the MCs. The courses “Laboratory Training” and “Special Seminars” are graded with “Successfully” or “Unsuccessfully” and are not counted in the final grade. Unsuccessful performance will result in repeating the course one more time.

The final grade of the MSc is as follows:

The sum of the product of the grade of each course with the corresponding credit points is divided by the total number of credit points of the courses that receive a grade of 0-10, and the resulting quotient is multiplied by the weighting factor of 0.60.
The grade of the thesis shall be multiplied by a weighting factor of 0,40. The final grade of the MSc is the sum of the two multiples. The grade of the Diploma of Postgraduate Studies (D.M.S.) is the weighted average of the grades of the courses of the MSc and the Diploma Thesis (weighting factors are the credit points of the courses and the Diploma Thesis weighted by the number of credits and the number of hours of the thesis) and shall be calculated, to the second decimal place, in the following manner:

The degree of the MPA certifies the successful completion of the postgraduate student’s studies. The awarded MPAs are marked as Good, Very Good, or Excellent corresponding to:

“Excellent” from 8,50 to 10
“Very Good” from 6,50 to 8,49
“Good” from 5 to 6,49

The award of the MSc degrees is approved by the Departmental Assembly.
Required documents:

  1. Application for participation in the Postgraduate Degree Award Ceremony exclusively through the “docugate” production system, at the link for use by postgraduate students, with the following documents attached:
    • Copy of identity card
    • A declaration of loss or non-issuance of an academic ID from, in case the student has lost or not issued an Academic ID.
    • A declaration from stating that he/she has no outstanding issues with the Student Club, the Student Residence, the Central Library of the University of Patras, the Library of Medicine, in general with the University and has not received a magnetic card and/or European Insurance Card of the University of Patras.
  2. By postal mail to the address “Secretariat of the Department of Medicine of the University of Patras, Patras Campus, 26504, Rio, Patras” or in person at the Department’s Secretariat the following:
    • 1 essay with the final text of the thesis (hot-glued and not spiral-bound)
    • Deposit of the academic ID, health booklet and electromagnetic card (if they exist and have not been declared lost)
  3. Deposit of a thesis in the “Nemertis” institutional repository.

MSc Award ceremony

A student who has successfully completed his/her postgraduate studies is sworn in at a public swearing-in ceremony, before the Rector or the Vice Rector as the representative of the Rector and the President of the Department, which takes place after the end of each examination period, on a day and at a time determined by the Rector in collaboration with the Presidents of the Departments. The oath is not a component of successful completion of studies, but is a necessary condition for the award of the postgraduate diploma. For reasons of force majeure (e.g. health reasons, residence or work abroad, military obligations) and upon application to the Departmental Secretariat, the graduate may request the award of the degree without participating in the swearing-in ceremony or request to participate in a subsequent swearing-in ceremony. Exemption from the requirement to attend a swearing-in ceremony shall be approved by the Chair of the Department. Prior to the swearing-in ceremony or exemption from it, graduates may be given a certificate of successful completion of their studies.