Research & Education Infrastructures

Medical Education Centre (Medical Education Centre) 4000 m2, which has: four large auditoriums with a total capacity of 1000 seats, equipped with the most modern audiovisual equipment (video projectors, microphone systems, electric screens, etc.); Medical Library, which is connected to the University library and has almost all the reputable medical journals and books, as well as a bibliographic research centre via computer. Corresponding ancillary spaces for reading rooms.

Preclinical Operations Building of 16,500 m2, which in addition to the research laboratories has: Ten lecture halls, autonomous networking with the internet, the University Hospital, the Library and through the University’s central network with all other Departments. Computer Centre and Computer-Multimedia Laboratory. Based on the building infrastructure and given that part of the space available is also used for undergraduate education, each faculty member and postgraduate student has approximately 200 and 50 m2 of laboratory space, respectively. The remaining space is used as classrooms, offices and the Computer Centre facility. The average audience size during the first year of study is about 17-20 students. In the second year of study and depending on the distribution of students in the four directions, the audience size varies between 2 and 7 students per direction.

Department of Medicine-Research Facilities

The Advanced Light Microscopy Unit at the Medical School of the University of Patras began its operation in 2007. It is situated on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the Building of Pre-Clinical Studies in purpose-built suites and consists of two Leica confocal laser scanning microscopes (TCS SP5 and SP8), a Nikon Eclipse TE-2000U fluorescence microscope, an Olympus IX83 Led-illuminated fluorescence microscope and various microscopes and stereoscopes for the examination of both clinical and non-clinical samples, including UV Stereoscope.
It provides training on the use of microscopes, expert advice on various techniques and processes for the visualization of macromolecules using fluorescent antibodies and probes on either fixed or live samples. Furthermore, the Unit contributes to the teaching excellence of the School by contributing to under- and post-graduate courses. In terms of research, we train post-graduate students, new researchers and members of Staff for the efficient use of our microscopes in ongoing research projects. Finally, we have set up a network of collaborators and provide microscopy consultancy services to both academic and industrial partners.


  • Nikon Eclipse TE2000-U

Nikon Eclipse is an inverted fluorescence microscope equipped with a fixed (non-motorized XY) stage and a UV lamp. It uses 2 cameras – a Nikon Digital Sight DS-L1 camera and a brightfield-only camera. It is equipped with 4 dry lenses (5x, 10x, 20x and 40x magnification) and 2 oil lenses (60x and 100x magnification), as well as 4 lasers. It uses the Infinity Analyze software with a user-friendly environment.

  • Olympus IX83

Olympus is an advanced fluorescence microscope, with a z-stack option being available. It is equipped with a motorized XYZ stage, an ORCA-Flash 4.0 camera and led lamp instead of the usual UV lamp. It uses 4 dry (4x, 10x, 20x and 40x magnification), a water (60x) and an oil (100x) lenses, as well as 4 lasers. It uses the cellSens Dimension software, which is slightly more complicated than the user-friendly LAS software used by other microscopes at the facility. It is also equipped with temperature and CO2 controllers, heating units, incubators and incubation mounting plates, making it suitable for live-cell imaging.

  • Leica TCS SP5 (DMi6000B)

Leica SP5 is a confocal microscope equipped with a motorized XYZ stage and a UV lamp. It uses dry 20x and oil 40x and 63x lenses as well as 4 lasers. It has the LAS AF software, which is user-friendly. It is also equipped with temperature and CO2 controllers, heating units, incubators and incubation mounting plates, making it suitable for live-cell imaging.

  • Leica TCS SP8 (DMi8) lightning

Leica SP8 is a multiphoton/confocal microscope, offering z-Galvo and Lightning features enabling super-resolution and image deconvolution (for images acquired by SP8 or any other microscope). It is equipped with motorized XYZ stage, a UV lamp and a dry 20x and 2 oil 40x and 63x lenses. It uses 4 lasers: 405nm, 488nm, 552nm and 638nm. It is not suitable for live-cell imaging.

Genomics Facility


New generation sequencer with automatic sample preparation system, Ion Genestudio S5 with Ion Chef system (Thermofisher).

Microarray Analysis

ScanArray Express Scanner (Perkin Elmer)

HybArray12 Hybridizer (Perkin Elmer)

Nanodrop- multiscan SkyHigh Microplate Spectrophotometer

Bioanalyzer 2100 Agilent

Genotyping system MassArray, consisting of a MassArray mass analyser (Sequenom) and an automated nanodispenser (Sequenom Nanodispenser)



FACS ARIA III sorter from Beckton Dickinson company. It has 2 lasers (488 nm and 633 nm) and filters for detecting fluorescent dyes.